European Youth Forum

A regional platform

Contact persons:

    Total activities:


    Overall progress:

    NAN% done


    Further explore 'Thriving platform':

    Rights-based platform

    Advocate towards all relevant institutions for the implementation of rights-based approach in their policy-making. We will apply a rights-based approach in all our work, and build the capacity of our Member Organisations to do so in their work.Previous

    What are we doing in 2020?

    Welcome to the work of the European Youth Forum.

    What can you do with this tool?

    Thanks to this interactive tool you can follow the work of the European Youth Forum – the Implementation Plan – for 2020. The plan is based onĀ the Strategic Plan 2020-2023. You can see what are our key activities this year, the progress under the different areas of action and the people involved from our Board and Secretariat.

    The interactive tool is updated every 3 months.

    Read more about the European Youth Forum here


    Please note that as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, some of our 2020 activities have unfortunately been cancelled or disrupted. We are currently in the process of updating this interactive tool to reflect these circumstances. Thank you for your understanding.