Activity 1
Status: ongoing
01.2018 > 12.2018
Advocacy for sustainable development in EU policy processes seeking to implement the 2030 Agenda, including through coalitions.
Advocate for comprehensive implementation and effective review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development within Europe and at all levels, and effective youth participation within all stages of that process
Ongoing: 75%
Completed: 13%
Not started: 13%
Not completed: 0%
Advocacy for sustainable development in EU policy processes seeking to implement the 2030 Agenda, including through coalitions.
Advocacy for Sustainable Development as well as on the topics of agriculture and the environment in the preparation of the EU’s Multiannual Finanical Framework post-2020, in coordination with other work clusters and through coalitions.
Research and positioning on policy processes, governance structures, discourses, etc. for sustainable development in the EU’s strategic priorities post-2020, including the successor to the European Semester and the future of Europe, with partners.
Input into Youth Forum’s messaging and work for EP elections.
A Policy Paper on Sustainable Development.
Advocacy on the important role of youth organisations and young people in Sustainable Development through the European Commissions’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) multi-stakeholder platform and other relevant policy processes.
Mapping how European Youth Organisations are contributing to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and communicate this.
Follow-up and advocacy on Policy Paper on Sustainable Development and Position on comprehensive implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Europe.
The European Youth Forum's position is taken into account in the development of the European Commission Reflection Paper on Sustainable Development.
The Youth Forum has increased its understanding of Europe post-2020 processes and is set to advocate for sustainable development in these processes.
The Position of the European Youth Forum on sustainable development is reflected in positions of European political parties.
The Youth Forum has increased its understanding of Sustainable Development and the changes necessary for its achievement, including through more comprehensive measures of prosperity and well-being.
Number of mentions of 'youth/young people' in the European Commission reflection paper on Sustainable Development.
Number of mentions of 'sustainable development' in the European Commission MFF proposal.
Perceived increase in understanding of the options for the European Semester process post-2020 and its implications for sustainable development.
The European Youth Forum's platform for EP elections includes commitments on measures for sustainable development.
Policy paper has been drafted with active input from at least 10% of member organisations.
YFJ has attended at least 80% of meetings of the multi-stakeholder platform.
Report has been drafted including examples of youth organisation contributions to at least 12 out of 17 Sustainable Development Goals.