Activity 1
Status: ongoing
04.2017 > 12.2017
Development of online strategy (including the development of a new website, increased web presence and social media activities)
Effective and transparent communication towards the membership and all other partners, by ensuring accessible information and a strong echo for our advocacy
Ongoing: 67%
Completed: 17%
Not started: 17%
Not completed: 0%
Development of online strategy (including the development of a new website, increased web presence and social media activities)
Media outreach strategy developed to increase visibility.
New media contacts database tool implemented to increase visibility.
Basing internal and external communication on the membership engagement strategy, especially in advocacy.
Effective and user friendly and coherent tools for communicating with members, stakeholders and general public.
Distribution of new publications & other materials (both print, online and video) in more accessible, sustainable and user-friendly ways
The Youth Forum has more coherent external messaging with better targeted and facts-based messages
The Youth Forum’s recognition will be higher, through increased visibility in the media
Members organisations have easy and increased access to information through user friendly and better targeted tools
Members organisations are better engaged in communicating and contributing to Youth Forum messages
All stakeholders have easy and increased access to clear information about the Youth Forum and our work.
Young people, member organisations and partners increasingly receive tailored information through appropriate channels
Increase of our followers (page like, website visitors, newsletter recipients) / Average post reach of social media posts / views on youtube+facebook per video (50%)
Number of media references and contacts with qualitative assessment
Members reporting of their access to YFJ campaigns and understanding of messaging
Our content and publication should be accessible to users with visual impairments and if printed, using recycled paper